Never alone! – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

Never alone!

I live in a small town in Southwest Texas.  Prior to the pandemic I had to drive 120 miles one way to attend an AA meeting.  To fill the gaps I would go to online AA meetings that were chat rooms.  They were better than nothing, but most were held late at night which made it difficult to get  up at my 4-5am work day.  Then came the pandemic, and of course then came OIAA.  What a miracle this new online directory is!  To have the freedom of attending meetings at any time of the day, anywhere in the world is truly amazing.  I no longer feel alone, but as the first word of the first step says, now I can be a “we” at anytime of the day.  So thanks for helping me stay sober and for feeling the true meaning of fellowship in this program!