Group Report For NZ WOS Daily – Oct 2023 – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

Group Report for NZ WOS Daily - Oct 2023

This daily meeting meets at 6.30am New Zealand Time.  We have lots of overseas people attend our group which makes this time of year particularly challenging as we go through the rigmarole of Daylight Savings.  The impact of this for people outside of NZ is that the meeting actually has a 2 hour window of when it starts depending on the time of year.

So Right now, its Daylight savings as New Zealand springs forward, In early November in the USA it will be an hour later as America falls back.  Despite this inconvenience, we still have a strong representation from the USA (as well as other parts of the Globe) who regularly attend our group conscience and do service for the group.

Our general attendance is between 80 and 120.  We focus on steps 10 and 11 and read a paragraph a day between pages 84-88 of the big book.  Since attending this meeting on a regular basis my conscious contact has definitely improved along with my ability to PAUSE (Physical Action Using Spiritual Energy) – That was a gem I learned in this meeting 🙂

So if you want to hear more nuggets like that, Join us everyday as we Enter the World of Spirit together.

Hope to see you there

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