OIAA Assembly 29 July 2023 Agenda – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

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OIAA Assembly 29 July 2023 Agenda

Welcome and Announcement of Quorum

Minutes of June 2023 Assembly

Treasurer’s Report

Chair Report

New Business
A. The Treasurer will present the proposed Vendor Process as:

OIAA Vendor Process:

  1. Determine what vendor you would like to use and have them provide a contract. If the vendor does not produce their own contract, please Download the form and send it to the vendor.
  2. Submit the signed contract to chair@aa-intergroup.org.
  3. After receiving the approval of the OIAA chair, request vendor (if it is an individual and a US citizen) to fill out https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf and have vendor send it to treasurer@aa-intergroup.org.
  4. Ensure that the money that is going to be spent is already in the budget. If not, please download and submit the unbudgeted request form to treasurer@aa-intergroup.org.
  5. If it is in the budget, services can be contracted. If not, the unbudgeted request may be approved by the board if it is under $500. If it is under $500, the board has the discretion to bring the expense for an assembly vote if they believe that it needs a full group conscience. If it is over $500, it will need to go before the assembly for approval/disapproval. After the unbudgeted expense is approved, services can be contracted.
  6. After services are rendered, the vendor should send an invoice to the requester. After review, the requester forwards the invoice to treasurer@aa-intergroup.org. This lets the treasurer know that the services have been rendered and should be paid.
  7. Treasurer makes payment.

Treasurer presents Unbudgeted expenditure for approval by the assembly:

B. The Board adopts a policy that any unbudgeted expenditure exceeding $500.00 will be approved by the Assembly at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

The Treasurer notes:

OIAA’s standing committees and general operations are currently experiencing a rapid and steep learning curve in the development of its online and international communications. The Treasurer asked OIAA’s standing committee chairs to submit ideas they have for expanding their 12-Step work.

C. The following Unbudgeted Expense Requests are submitted to the Assembly for a vote of approval:

  1. Unbudgeted Funds Request- Secretary

This is the cost for a 2nd person to attend the ICOAA Conference in Cincinnati. This is an important annual Conference between all the local Intergroups in the US/Canada and GSO/Grapevine where many good contacts can be made to assist local Intergroups with issues relating to online groups.

Total Request for the Secretary will be for Conference expenses: $1,500

Link for Unbudgeted Funds Request Form for Secretary

   2. Unbudgeted Funds Request: Technology

Web Hosting/Management

Maintain and manage the Google Cloud environment webhosting service. Initiate and manage any support cases submitted to Google Cloud Support Services. Perform ongoing updates and modifications for: IGR Hotlist Page, Assemblies, Forums, Workshops – pre and post event (archives). Maintain and Update WordPress plugins.

OIAA has not previously paid for 3rd party Website Admin/Management services. The growth of OIAA and the evolution and enhancements in its use of technology have been significant in the past year. Included in this growth is the release of a new OIAA Website, designed to provide information and increase collaboration in expanded ways. While many aspects of the website will be administered and updated by volunteers of the Tech Committee and will be self-serviced by OIAA Committees themselves, the core website platform requires dedicated support and maintenance beyond the scope of volunteer work and commitments. With traffic of over 800,000 visitors a month, the OIAA website effectively serves as our Central Office, and maintaining its performance and functionality is essential. Providing for paid outside service gives OIAA the best opportunity to accomplish this goal.

This will be a recurring expense.

“$57/hr for 10 hrs a week for 17 weeks. It will start on September 1, 2023, and end on December 31, 2023.

The total request for Tech will be $9,600.

Link for Unbudgeted Funds Request Form for Technology

   3. Unbudgeted Funds Request- Unity

The Unity Committee, Finance Committee and Board voted to support the OIAA sponsored
event on October 13-15, the 2nd International Convention for Online Groups. The Board
endorses this event for our international membership. We are committed to supporting them
with finances and services. Unity requested $5070 for translation services for this event: $65 X
2 people X2 languages X12 hours for $3120 and 3 languages for the other sharing section of 5
hours: $65X 3 languages X2 people X 5 hours=$1950 for a total of $5070.

The total Request for Unity for translation services: $5070 total

Link for Unbudgeted Funds Request Form for Unity

D. Bylaws Changes-presented by OIAA treasurer

      1. Motion: Remove the Finance Chairperson from the OIAA Board of Officers and change the Bylaws Section 4.01 Officers:

Section 4.01. Officers. The Voting Members shall elect the following Officers: a President (hereafter referred to as “Chairperson”), a Vice President (hereafter referred to as “Vice Chair”), Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Chairperson, and Technology Chairperson. Elections will be held annually.

Background: The reason that the Finance Chairperson should be removed from the above section is that the Treasurer already holds a position on the board of directors for a financial position. Having an additional board member from finance is unnecessary and may skew decisions from a financial perspective. It keeps it simple.

      1. Motion: Remove the service position of Finance Chairperson and change subsection 4.01(d): Treasurer of the Bylaws to reflect the changes below. The Treasurer and Alternate Treasurer will lead the Finance Committee and OIAA will no longer have the positions of Finance Chairperson or Alternate Chairperson.

Subsection 4.01(d): Treasurer. The Treasurer maintains the Intergroup’s corporate financial records, tax returns, detailed accounting of receipts and disbursements; and provides summaries and reports to the Intergroup at least quarterly. The Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee. The Treasurer works with the Finance Committee to prepares the annual budget and presents it to the Member Assembly for a vote. The Treasurer receives contributions and maintains the Intergroup’s funds in an account in the name of the Intergroup. With approval of the Board, the Treasurer oversees and maintains any financial professional services.


Changing the Finance chair to the elected position of the Treasurer is in alignment with other committees within OIAA, such as the Tech Committee has the Tech Officer serve as the committee chair. It solidifies the idea that there is a definite singular point person for financial matters. The Treasurer also has the fiduciary responsibility, not the committee, to provide the budget. The Treasurer will receive input from the committee, but the budget is ultimately the Treasurer’s responsibility.


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