Convention Committee Charter – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

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Convention Committee Charter

Type of Committee:

X         Standing Service Committee         ____ Ad hoc Service Committee 

____ Standing Board Committee              ____ Ad hoc Board Committee

Mission and Purpose:

This Committee focuses on the International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous.  The Convention is held every 5 years at various locations and OIAA is represented by hosting a Hospitality Suite for attendees. This may be the first introduction of OIAA to the attendees and provides fellowship to those current members of OIAA attending the convention.  This committee may also choose to host an event such as a Founders Day celebration as determined by the committee and the membership.


Committee Chair

Responsibilities: Schedules and leads committee meetings as needed.  Coordinate hospitality room for the International in person Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Collaborates with the Committee Treasurer to manage and stay within the accrued budget.  Provides updates on the OIAA Website. Attends OIAA Committee Chair Committee meetings.

Qualifications: 5 years of sobriety preferred.  Ability to share delegated responsibilities and follow-up skills.  Understanding and experience of working with cultural diversity.  Previous conference hospitality room experience is a plus.

Alternate Chair

Responsibilities: Participates in the Convention committee meetings and leads meetings in the absence of the Chair.  Assists with the operations and scheduling of the Hospitality Suite.  Attends OIAA Chair Committee meetings. 

Qualifications: 5 years of sobriety preferred. Previous convention hospitality room experience is a plus.


Responsibilities: Tracks financial expenditures to ensure that all expenses are within the budgeted and accrued funds.  This could include pins, equipment, coffee, etc.

Qualifications: 3 years of sobriety preferred.  Excel spreadsheet or similar experience. 


Responsibilities: Collaborates with the Chair and Alt to keep minutes and notifies members. Maintains a list of the active committee members, their email addresses and their attendance at committee meetings and events. Provides minutes for approval by the committee members during the regularly scheduled meetings utilizing recordings and transcripts as needed. Places documents in the Committee Google Drive for current and future reference.

Qualifications: 3 years of sobriety is preferred.  Basic administrative ability to use Google Drive and archiving documents.  Listening skills and ability to capture the content of the meeting.

Committee Members

Responsibilities: Attends meetings. Provides their email for the committee membership list. Shares thoughts and ideas on the hospitality suite.

Qualifications: A member of Alcoholics anonymous with one year of sobriety or has a Service Sponsor.

Some members of the committee and the OIAA fellowship will be needed to man the Hospitality room, but it is not a requirement to participate in the committee. 

What we do/Tasks:

  • Secure a hospitality room at the in-person International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Staff the hospitality room
  • Determine what to provide and what equipment is to be available this could include pins, flyers, coffee, banners, event activities, etc. while staying within the allotted accrued funds budget
  • Possibly coordinate an online Founder’s Day event. This event could be held annually and focus on our fellowship.  The Founder’s Day event might include A.A. games and entertainment, OIAA history, etc. to be determined by the committee.

Approval date of the Committee:   3/8/24            

Approval date of the Board :         3/10/24                       

Approval date of Voting Members:                        ____________________


The scope of the responsibility and authority of each committee is outlined in a committee charter to be reviewed every two years or as necessary.  While each committee can have different roles, many will have similar roles. For example, each committee will most likely have a committee Chair and a Secretary with similar responsibilities and qualifications. Each committee will have certain roles unique to the mission it has to discharge.

OIAA’s Bylaws Article 5 provides additional committee detail including definitions pertaining to their duration, creation of, dissolution of, record maintenance and reporting requirements.

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