Update For Communications – Nov 2023 – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

Minutes for Communications Meeting - 19 Nov 2023

The Communications Committee met on November 19, 2023 10amPacific/1pm Eastern.

10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm London/9:00 PM Monday, in Moscow, Russia

Zoom Meeting ID: 846 7947 5814

PassCode: 679963

This month the communications committee discussed:

Document Control and Development (Polls and Surveys)
The committee still needs a co-chair for this position. This co-chair will be responsible for working with committees to design documents, log documents and make document revisions. They might also be responsible for creating polls and surveys either attached to IGR Forums and Assemblies or free-standing. These polls and surveys will be used to capture information OIAA committees need to be of optimum service.
Interpretation and Translation
The committee  still needs a co-chair for this position. This co-chair will be responsible for scheduling interpreters and translators as needed.
The committee discussed having the Archives housed in this committee. The thinking is that any material archives could also be useful for communications announcements, documents and flyers. This co-chair would be responsible for the collection, organization of files and building presentations of the history of OIAA for Forum, Assemblies and conventions.

The committee discussed the video, “The Role of the IGR” suggestions for edits were made. Because the suggestions were superficial but important, Randy, Co-Chair of Video production, will make the changes. The video will then go to the Board for approval. When approved the video will be posted on the OIAA You tube channel. Currently posted there are the “What is OIAA” and “The Steppers” videos.

The committee has been collecting taglines this past year and will send out an email so all OIAA members can vote for the one they think best sums up OIAA As they understand it. The committee will compile a list of the top 5 and a final vote email will be sent out at on December 20th. The winner will be announced at the next IGR Forum.

There was a discussion about interpreters and the way they are found and paid. This past year, the Communications Chair has been collecting contact information from AAs who also serve as paid special workers for their interpretation skills. In the spirit of rotation, the Chair makes sure that everyone on the list has a chance to work. There is another way to do this and that is to use Upwork. Interpreters from Upwork are quite a bit less expensive and are available in 24 hours. However, they do not, as a rule, speak the language of the heart. A new member, Paul, has experience with Upwork and he and Lesliee are going to meet and do some work on Upwork to see if they can filter for interpreters with knowledge of recovery (AA) language. If this works well the committee may switch to using Upwork only. Susan, OIAA Chair, asked the committee to make a proposal for one model or the other. This report will be presented to the Board in March 2024.

Randy, Communication Co-Chair for video production reported on the work he has done to provide a transparent process for the production of OIAA videos. This includes a dashboard to view progress on a given project and files that will be shareable in the Gdrive for the Communications committee. Randy did a lot of organizational work and made it easy for those not involved in the process of video production to understand the process. Thanks Randy! He has also created PSA sized videos that can be placed on OIAA and other websites. The committee needs to think about how the PSAs can be best used.




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