Committee Update For Guidelines – May 2023 – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

Minutes for Guidelines Meeting - 17 May 2023

OIAA Guidelines Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes Via Zoom

Wednesday May 17th, 2023   3:00 PM Eastern Time

The following meeting minutes were produced from the audio recording at a later date. 

Assumed Present as the following individuals participated in the discussion: Susan R (OIAA Vice Chair), Amelia L (IGR Journey Heart), Jan BB (OIAA PAC Chair), Nona (PAC Committee member), Carlos D (Acting Chair Unity Committee), Marney K, Mary M (Steppers Chair/Registrar) Jeanine (IGR VSS and Communication Committee), Beth A, (Unity Committee) Beth D (Unity Committee)

Call to order: Susan R called the meeting to order and opened the Serenity Prayer.  The time was not noted in the recording.


  • The minutes for this meeting were captured at a later date from the audio recording.

Chair’s Message:

  • Susan R explained the meeting today would be a deviation from the customary format.
  • Susan received on April 25th a list of Universal Questions for committees sent by Doug C (former Unity Chair of the Unity Committee).
  • She explains that the previously approved Committees section will need to be revisited. There may be a need to provide over-arching standards and guidelines for committees and maybe not.

Discussion followed:

  • Mary L and Jan BB (both current committee Chairs) are invited to share their ES&H.
  • Additional discussion followed and a great many questions on that list were reviewed.
  • The consensus seemed to indicate that due to the variety of committees that overarching guidelines would not fit the needs of all.
  • Additionally too much oversite would not reflect well on the autonomy found in OIAA’s committees.
  • All agreed that the questions would be useful especially as a way to kick off discussion within each committee so that consensus may be reached.
  • At multiple times in the recording the suggestion was made that when conflict arises within committees the tools of the program (including a group inventory) could be used to bring forth resolution.

Meeting adjourned. 

The next full committee meeting will be Wednesday, May 31st, 2023 on Zoom. 

 Respectfully Submitted,


Gwen M

Secretary, Ad hoc Guidelines Committee

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